mg0y0045-8_0x10_0-06a-q01  Houston Family Photography with Alisa Murray is a fun, family friendly experience. We spend a lot of time playing with the littles and plan for warm ups before really getting down to the business of capturing their tiny spirits! I have been known to pull out my bubbles and feathers and play ball a time or two…not to mention singing songs and lots of snack breaks!

One of my Daddy’s told me last week after we did their session, (with four children) how happy he was. Both he and his wife had a stress free  family photography experience in getting everything they had hoped to capture and the children had a lot of fun too! That is precisely the only way it should be in getting your family images.

This little guy played peek a boo with me and had so much fun during his session too! The black and white contrast is a nice way to turn a regular playful image into a piece of fine art…sometimes it’s just that simple and all that it takes to make a photograph pop into a  piece of fine art!

Signature Sessions are available weekly by appointment and start at $250. Our Rock the Shots minis are all inclusive and come with 10 digital files for $195 and are also scheduled in 45 min spots…call 713-598-2207 to check availability as these are set for specific sets and days during the week!


#alisamurrayphotography #alisamurray #auntieArockstheshots