This post will contain an affiliate link to my Revital U website where if you choose to order a free sample and experience the difference in your life wit this cool coffee and decide to purchase some, I will receive a commission. Regardless, I only recommend products and services that I loo e and trust. 


Good Morning!

I have been as you know on a tear about that professor…more about that next week. P.S. You can read my response to her deplorable behavior in the paper Fortbend Star on Monday morning’s edition and it’s ok if you don’t get that… I will repost once published right here. This morning is full as is tomorrow and actually all next week shooting babies and families. Where is all that rain we were supposed to get already? I swear it’s hard to plan when the weather is so persnickety! Any who… I want to let you know that I have and many of you who read my columns and are in and out of my studios are already aware of my many food allergies. So many in fact that after creating and wandering all over the city to write my “The artist’s palate” food blog that I stopped for a while due to me becoming sick from so many ingredients! I’ll start that back this fall perhaps if there’s time… and time is what I wanted to talk about today! I have none for this excersize  stuff (see… I can’t even spell that word!) LOL  but I have almost turned the corner of the halfway mark of my life… and I have as many of us do added some lbs. So many that I actually scolded the doctor at last visit informing them that their scales were WRONG!  My sweet nurse just smiled and wrote down that number and then quietly showed me that I was indeed that weight and had been for the last 6 months! Well… I don’t;l like that number and more importantly my joints are getting angry about it.. so much so that I dolt; think that Glucosamine has a standing chance of making any headway at all if I don’t get my head out of my you know what and just get on a treadmill or in a pool or something! For God sake…how will I finish everything that I want to accomplish with this weight??? Ya…NO! Enter into my life some coffee… and I ‘ll be there first to tell you that I don’t like it and I have not drank it in a good 3 years… however it’s a different kind of coffee…not the one I used to consume years ago and broke that habit… probably one of the culprits finding me needing to loose weight now in the first place! Yep… I bet that Venti quad mocha raspberry with extra whip was part of what the hell did me in on the scales at the doctor’s office cause let’s face it folks that’s the only time I ever get on a scale! LOL I started pouring this Revital U into hot water from the Keurig and I have already seen results! this stuff is like CRACK… lol

Here’s what you’ll find it does… Gives you more energy and ya’ll know I am running several businesses …Curbs your hunger… and then guess what?? You drop those lbs! my dear client and friend has lost 12 lbs in two weeks! I better drink this everyday! But only one will do ya.. so don’t think more is more! I have no doubt you will LOVE this and guess what? I have samples! If you want some free to try please either text me 713-598-2207 or email me  or go to my website and you can order  it yourself! And when you are all sexy and cute in your bikini or those abs that you forgot you even had start a popping’…. you can thank little ole’ me!

Have a Happy Saturday Ya’ll!
