Houston Childhood Photographer Alisa Murray’s signature childhood sessions. I love capturing pregnant naked women and tiny babies…ya’ll know that I do, however it is such a wonderful joy when my families stay. Allowing me to be a part of their lives and watch their children grow is truly what it means to be their portrait artist! Over time, with years captured and relationships documented their walls of life and family legacy collections are complete. It is so important to provide your children with amazing images of you and them and their grandparents and pets…it’s showing them a history of who they were and how they grew up. When I went to India, as the Ambassador of the Hope Endowment, I left each child with a portrait of themselves. None of them had ever seen that before. Pictures and sometimes overlooked in importance when basic needs must be met for survival but I know that some day one of those children will visit America and maybe find me and have a story to tell about how that picture changed how they felt about themselves and left a treasure from their childhood. #makingadifference #thedifferenceanARTISTmakes #alisamurray